Aviva Health Insurance published survey results in 2013 ( http://www.avivahealth.ie/why-aviva/news-and-press-releases/press-release-2/ ) showing the top two health problems experienced in the workplace are stress and anxiety (55%) and fatigue (52%), with 75% of employees saying "a pressurised environment has become the norm".
What are your levels of stress and anxiety ?
How is your resilience ? What can you do to change it ?
Here's a couple of Harvard Business Review articles offering practical ways or "rituals" to cultivate resilience or renew personal energy :
How is your resilience ? What can you do to change it ?
Here's a couple of Harvard Business Review articles offering practical ways or "rituals" to cultivate resilience or renew personal energy :
1. "Managing Your Energy Not Your Time" (October 1997) has a short Energy Audit to assess where you’re at in terms of your energy management skills and three practices which can be embraced immediately :
Take regular breaks to refuel,
Deep abdominal breathing,
Express appreciation to others.
2. "Building Resilience by Wasting Time" (October 2012) reminds us of ways to maintain physical, emotional and social resilience. Again three similar practices which can be immediately embraced :
Stand up and take a few steps away from computer every hour
Maintain the balance in favour of positive emotions every day
Send a thank-you note once a day by e-mail, chat, or text message.
Have a go at the 2-minute on-line quiz - Barbara Fredrikson's 3:1 Positivity Ratio - to check your positivity ratio.
I've developed a practical model for cultivating resilience (Refresh, Reframe, Renew), delivered as a workshop, focusing on six conscious processes :
Listen ☺
Prioritise ☺
© 2013
The workshop uses a number of interventions - self-reflection, group work, reading, active participation, frameworks - grounded in academic research, to facilitate individuals discover what they can do differently, to cultivate resilience, recognise stress and be more effective in today’s busy world. Participants can assess their energy management skills or their level of positivity or level of resilience, before embarking on the workshop – thus raising their level of self-awareness.
If you’re interested in finding out more about this workshop please contact trish@thetransitioncoach.eu